The Legit Ledgers Blog

What You Didn't Know About 1099s - Vendors need them too!

What You Didn't Know About 1099s - Vendors need them too!

Many of the vendors you use such as vets, farriers, chiropractors, stable owner's etc. need 1099-NECs at year-end. Don't give the IRS a reason to come after you! Use our free guide to determine who yo... ...more

Equine - Tax Tips ,Business Owners

August 30, 20244 min read

Four Simple Ways to Start Your Small Business Off on the Right Foot

Four Simple Ways to Start Your Small Business Off on the Right Foot

When making a new business official, you don’t always have funds available to hire a bookkeeper/accountant to show you the ropes for how to keep your business compliant and out of trouble with the IRS... ...more

Business Owners

April 27, 20223 min read

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